Episode #18
Episode 18: Democratic Philosophies Are Un-American
While socialism can seem to be about compassion, it's really about a few people gaining power, and it's an anti-American concept. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young talk about how the next presidential election will be a decision between the American ideal and its opposite.
Diametrically opposed: The next presidential election will feature two competing philosophies that are diametrically opposed: entrepreneurism and socialism.
Philosophically opposed: Every quality that's philosophically American is opposed to the Green New Deal.
Bringing back: Some Democratic candidates are proposing bringing back ideas that were the reason that some people left Europe for America in the first place.
Daily transactions: What changes society are the daily transactions of buying and selling things.
Constantly shifting: Marketplace-determined prices for products and services are constantly shifting, which defeats the notion of central planning.
Controlling power: Socialism is first and foremost about a very small number of people planning all of the transactions in society.
Other people's money: Socialism is great for some people, but it has to be paid for with other people's money.
No competing: Socialism is for people who don't want to have a measured result or to compete.
Voting socialist: Socialism is dictatorship that's been voted for.
For the philosophy: It might be that in the upcoming election, the philosophies will be so starkly opposed to each other that people will vote for a certain candidate even if they don't like the individual.